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Green Ants & Gravel
Gardening in the Top End.
The Top End is made up of six seasons. This gallery of images reflects the seasons and what we can be doing in our gardens during each season.
Links to blogs and instagram will provide more information.
Here is a fantastic local initiative sharing lots of gardening information GULP NT

The gardening gallery is a space which will change and grow over time. Slowing sprouting and blooming with interesting gardening and foodie information, including links to regular blogs, recipes and small snippets of useful information.
So watch this space.
Did you know in the TopEnd we have six seasons?

Burn Off
(Apr-May-Jun) A cool breeze tickles the side of your face one morning and the rain has gone.
These beautiful artworks have been painted by the super talented Salome & Katinka click here to see more!
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